Saturday, January 11, 2020

Introduction - A Srikar Story

Hi! My name is Srikar Kommareddy and I am a junior studying biomedical engineering. In the future I hope to go to medical school and continue my education, eventually becoming a doctor in the military for a few years before settling down. I am originally from a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri called Wildwood. It's about a seven hour drive northeast on 44-east. Last semester was pretty good and I think my favorite class was a class called Diet of the Mediterranean. Although it might seem kinda weird and specific it was actually more broad than the name entails. We talked a lot about different stigmas different foods have, where they come from, and basically anything and everything about food. We even had a banquet at the end where everybody made a dish from a country in the Mediterranean and shared it. As far as me personally, I like to think I'm a pretty laid-back person. I really enjoy watching sports such as football and basketball and also playing them, even though I might be very good. I also really enjoy cooking but it is a little harder to cook at college since our kitchen is not fully stocked like one at home might be. Over break however, I enjoyed the resources of my parents and cooked to my hearts delight. I made broccoli cheddar soup and bread bowls from scratch as well as some pad Thai. I also grilled a little since we were blessed (although probably not a good thing) with some warm weather. My favorite movie is probably What's Eating Gilbert Grape. It's a great drama with Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp. I would highly recommend. I don't watch a lot of TV but I did watch Game of Thrones for the first time over break. To be honest, it was kind of underwhelming, especially the ending. I have one sister that I went and visited over break as well who lives on Long Island. She is a pediatrician there and is moving back to St. Louis soon. My parents are very excited that she is moving back. Sadly, I don't have any pets. I met a lot of animals over break though which was fun! Overall, my break was good and I am excited for this semester to begin and this class.

Image result for airplane  
Plane flying over the Midwest


  1. Hello Srikar! That Diet and Mediterranean course sounds really interesting! I'll have to look into it, as I'm really interested in the different kinds of foods people eat all over the world. I also love when professors do unconventional things, like how yours held a banquet. Also, it sounds like you did make good use of your parents' kitchen! I would love to make a bread bowl from scratch. That sounds amazing! Anyways, good luck in the class!

  2. Hi Srikar! This introduction made me really hungry - the Mediterranean food from your class and the bread bowls you made from scratch would really hit the spot right now. I totally relate with the kitchen situation: it always seems that my parents have the right amount of everything in their kitchen, and my supplies are an unbalanced disaster in comparison. I hope you enjoy the course!

  3. And of course now I already know not just about St. Louis but also the Hindu temple there, thanks to your brainstorming post, Srikar! When I was little, we used to go to St. Louis to visit my great-aunts there, and I thought the Arch was pretty much the coolest thing ever. Especially when you are a little kid, it looks VERY big. And since you mentioned Pad Thai, here is a fun fact about Thailand: the Ramayana is not just an epic of India; it is also the national epic of Thailand! The adventures of Rama there are called the Ramakien, and it's really cool: similar to the Indian epic, but with some distinct characters and episodes of its own too. If you're curious, there's an article at Wikipedia: Ramakien. So, the next time you are in a Thai restaurant, look around at the art; if they have some Thai art on display, it might be Ramayana-related!

  4. Hi Srikar,
    Here I am back again. Did you take the Mediterranean food class with Dr. Tracy because that definitely sounds like what she would do in a class? Anyways, that is so cool that you want to do military medicine. I was actually considering that for the longest time, but I changed my mind because 1) I don't think I could ever go through basic and 2) I want to have a wide range of options for residencies. Props to you because you are making such a big impact on the world! Maybe you should make Indian food for this class?
    Good luck!

  5. Hi Srikar,
    That class you took about the Mediterranean sounds so cool!! What kind of doctor do you want to be? Would you do the same specialty in the military and when you return? have you ever wanted a pet? My family loves dogs and right now we have 3 and they are all labradoodles! They are so cute and soft! I definitely recommend a labradoodle if you ever get a dog. Hope you have a great semester.

  6. Hi Srikar!

    I'm also from Missouri! I grew up in Nixa, if you know where that is (around Springfield). I've been to St. Louis many times and I love that area. I feel like I meet a lot of people that are from MO in OK.
    I wish that I enjoyed cooking like you do! I would love some homemade thai food. I wish you luck for this upcoming semester!

  7. Hi Srikar!
    What made you want to serve as a physician in the military? That is so interesting and sounds super cool. Also, I think I've heard of that Honor's perspectives course, Diet in the Mediterranean with Dr. Tracy. I have only heard wonderful things about her and that course. Plus, who doesn't love mediterranean food? And I am with you about Game of Thrones! That show is a very intricate plot with a lot of vulgarity and gore. Good luck with everything!
