Sunday, February 2, 2020

Feedback Strategies

The two articles I read are Be A Mirror and How to Give Bad Feedback Without Being a Jerk. I chose the first article because, honestly, I didn't know what being a mirror meant and I wanted to know more about what the article could possibly be about. This article talked about the five different qualities of feedback that people with a growth mindset have. Being a mirror involves giving feedback in a way that promotes these 5 qualities.

The second article that I read is about how to give negative feedback without sounding like a jerk. This is something that I struggle with and I either sound too mean or I just neglect to mention the negatives. I think the biggest point is that you need to explain why you are giving feedback. If people understand that you are trying to better them they will be more willing to accept it and not look down upon you.

Image result for mirror

Being a mirror
Source: Pixabay

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